Writing about the mental health blog niche is relatively new. It has become so popular because mental illness affects all of us in some way, shape, or form. Almost all mental illnesses have some stigma associated with them. The mental health blog niche is an excellent opportunity to help remove some of that stigma and provide education, resources, and information about mental illness that perhaps people wouldn’t get elsewhere.

Some mental health blog ideas could be medication or side effects for mental illness treatment. This mental health blog topic would make a significant mental health blog idea for anyone looking to educate others or share personal insight with mental illness treatment or mental illness medication.

Is a Mental Health Blog Monetizable?

There are a lot of blogs that generate money through advertisements, selling mental illness merchandise, or affiliate links (where there is a blog post related to illness treatment or something thematic and the mental health blogger gets paid if someone clicks on an affiliate link). 

One thing to keep in mind is that mental health blogs are not typically monetizable in the same way that other mental health blogs are. Because mental illness stigma exists, content creators may be unwilling to display advertisements for mental illness treatment or medication because it could make them look like they are receiving money from mental illness treatment providers. 

Prepare Your Blog For Monetising

To monetize mental health blogs, bloggers must ensure a privacy policy in place. This privacy policy will indicate how the mental health blogger uses any information from visitors to their mental health blog. This information could collect money for mental illness treatment or medication providers. 

Work On Your Branding

Branding is the essential part of any business. This means you need a consistent look so visitors can quickly identify. Branding can be beneficial when you are growing your audience by ensuring that people know who they are reading materials from.

Also, pay attention to the metadata of your mental health blog. Metadata includes the title of articles and topics tags that can help you grow your traffic. It is essential to make your metadata provide a consistent look while also containing keywords and phrases relevant to your niche.

Create Valuable Content

You need to provide value for visitors to your mental health blog. This could be through providing helpful information or resources, telling personal stories about experiences with mental illness, or providing links to helpful videos and websites. What you choose should also consider how much time it will take to create content, not to overwork yourself.

Next, think about the type of content you want to create. You could do this by asking yourself questions like what kind of stories about my mental health struggles? What have been the most helpful videos on YouTube for others looking into treatment or medication? 

Finally, think about keywords and phrases you want to help people find your blog.

Pay Attention To Your Promotion

Promoting your blog is important and raises awareness because it brings traffic to your resources. This can help you gain an audience to monetize your site, but it also helps with traffic for future posts on the subject or topic of mental illness. Promotion includes things like creating guest posts, SMM and SEO.

First, think about publishing on other resources. Guest posting is a way to bring new visitors to your mental health blog because it allows you to share information or resources through another blog. It could help promote the content on your mental health blog or provide additional details for a specific topic or type of mental illness.

Finally, care about your SEO. SEO stands for search engine optimization, and it is essential to make sure you have special key phrases in your text that will help people find your information or resources like yours in Google, BIng, etc. If you don’t, blog could get lost among others because of ineffective wording. You can get ideas from already working and gaining benefits seo service for small business or even hire them to help. SEO companies also can help you with advertising in social medias.  

How Could I Make Money Writing About Mental Health?

You can find a lot of different ways to monetize your work, but the easiest and the most regular one is to use an ad network. DoinBy is doing, yo; you earn more money. If your mental health blog includes ads both in the sidebar and its content, then you could raise your benefit through clicks or impressions of these ads while also creating valuable content for visitors to read. 

Make Sponsored Posts

Sponsored posts are another good chance to make money through your mental health blog, including sponsored articles & affiliate marketing. Sponsored posts mean that another company supports your post, allowing you to promote their products or services while also providing valuable information for readers of your writings.

First, figure out what companies you want to partner with. Many different companies may like to partner with you to promote. 

Add Ads

Ads solution is very effective because it can be connected to your website in a few clicks and doesn’t take your time to find guest posting sites, sponsors or create additional products to sell. Iti s includes things like adding ad networks and affiliate links to your blog.

First, think about how many ads you want on your mental health blog. It is up to you whether or not you want ads in the sidebar or posts, but you should strategize accordingly. Think about how many ads have been provided by the ad network and whether or not they are distracting, as well as what type of ads would be best for your blog and target audience.

Selling Services and Products

Selling services and products is one of the best and the most independent paths to make money from your blog. This includes writing articles for other sites, selling your products, for example, books, merchandise and offering to coach or consulting services.

First, think about a good idea and what type of population you want to work with. You can decide whether or not you want to focus on a specific kind of mental illness, age group, or gender. 

Mental Health Blog Topics & Ideas

We collected a few topics for your mental health blog if you are only thinking about what to start from. These are the general topics, but you can do a deepier research for each one.

  1. How To’s for Mental Illnesses or Disorders

This could include dealing with depression, coping with an eating disorder, or what medication is best for bipolar disorder. 

  1. Cultivating Resilience & Coping Skills

Post about ways to cope with different mental health struggles and dysfunction—from anxiety to sleep issues to substance abuse—in a healthy way.

  1. Offer Healthy Self-Improvement Advice

Find the advice for readers to help them improve their mental condition without going overboard with it. For example, if you struggle with depression, advising on how to feel happier might be helpful for some people but harmful for others looking for low mood days as part of their routine.

  1. Healthy Habits to Improve Your Life

Give tips on how to improve one’s well-being using healthy habits. This might include exercising, dealing healthily, and stressing mindfulness when triggered.

  1. How Blogging Affects Mental Health

People often have questions about what blogging does to mental health and mental illness. For example, people may wonder if writing a blog helps or hurts a person struggling with low moods—or whether blogging increases the likelihood of developing mental disorders, such as anxiety or depression. Write about these issues and more.


This article covers only some starting points. Feel free to brainstorm and find ideas that would interest your target audience, at the end of the day if you are creating valuable and interesting content, you would have possibilities to advertise your mental health blog and get paid for it.

Be sensitive when writing about subjects that relate closely to people’s lives and experiences; if they could be triggering, do not be afraid of using trigger warnings.

Also, consider that if you’re writing about an ongoing condition, such as depression or anxiety, what effect this has on those who read it, and how you can plan your blog posts around this.